
Our mothers. Their whispers. Her nightmares.

Women of color showing up from front to back. Hers, is an offering to the ones that came before us and the fearless bardesses yet to be discovered. The collection includes original works by Collette Brown, Janelle Fann, Olivia Lin, and Tiff Hernandez. Covert art by Tee Fergus. We originally launched the limited release of the zine in 2016. The zine is now available online. Part of all proceeds were donated to Free Arts NYC.



For the voices and legacies that nourish us.

Featuring recipes, poems, illustrations, and short stories from around the world, the zine illustrate how community care manifests in our spaces and daily routines. From the flavors that comfort us to the scents that bring us back home, the zine includes original works by Jessica Ceballos y Campbell, Yanyi, Lynda Vuong, Adrienne Vicente, Nina Powles, Hyunhee Shin, June Kuoch, Cori Nakamura Lin, and Tiffany Hernandez. Cover art by Antoinette Thomas. We launched the limited release in 2018. Part of all proceeds were donated to Free Arts NYC.
